IMG 20190321 WA0060

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ Love without Subjectivity and respect without Objectivity is nothing at all. One has to be dear and near to dear in love and fair to everybody as requirement of the Human-respect. There  is much difference between love and respect.
Common Bee will rush to every wound,  Mellifluous Bee will find only flowers. Whereas, Blister Beetle will find Lotus only.
Mellifluous are Social workers, Blister Bedtles are lovers and Lotus is beauty for them.  Whereas,  Common Bees are people having their personal interests and motives. Who are you?]

ڀونئر ڀري آڪاس ۾ پر ڪري ڪنول بنان ٻي ڳولها ڪو نہ،
ماکئ-مک گل ڳولهي ڀل وڻ ٽڻ ڏسي هوء کڻي ڇو نہ،
خوشفهمين يا غلطفهمين سان ٿئي نبيرو نينهن جو نہ،
عشق طلبي اون، سدا سونهن سرت سلام سپرين جي

Good Wishes