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Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night.
[ Love is life, but requires sacrifice of life. In the culture of love one has to think with heart, refrain from taking and accepting orders of mind, and has to ignore outdated tradition and values. It asks for setting new tradition of accommodating sorrows & longings and surrending before beloved unconditionally.]
پيار رکائي پهريون پاسيرا عقل مت شرم,
پوء ئي ڪري قرب سونهن سچائي ڪرم,
بره رکي ڀرم,  اڳ ۾ وٺي قرباني سر جي

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes