textgram 1548172492
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
[ You are second to none in kindness and greatness. You are a complete universe in yourself. Your beauty is beyond imagination. Your vision is vast and your wisdom is wide. You never ignore, but accept along with all faults, mistakes and limitations. That is the reason, you are my unprecedented ideal.]
دل درياه دامن دنيا جانب تنهنجي جهولي جيئن سارو جهان, 
تنهنجو قرب قرارو تنهنجي محبت محيط ڌرتئ کان آسمان, 
سو روح نہ رلي رڻ ۾ جنهن جو تون تئين ٿو کڻي قدردان, 
ان لاء آھيان مان مستان,  تنهنجئ سرت  سونهن تي سپرين.

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes