IMG 20190117 WA0134
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
[ If anybody needs protection and safety, he/she must surrender before beauty & love. It will be totally bad luck and self-dodging to turn face and not to accept & respect love & beauty as basic requirements of human -instincts, values and nature. Once beauty & love are find and recognized, they must be honored and pleased, otherwise, one should fight with self and revisit strategy in this regard. 
You are beauty & love, vision & wisdom and peace & protection. I can't afford to miss you. I will please you with my sincerity and sacrifice, my dear. Because, I need you, protection and safety.]
خير انهئ ۾ آھ تہ پرين جي اڳيان غير مشروط جهڪي پئجي, 
انڌير ان ۾ آھ تہ سونهن ڏسي ان کان منهن مٽي اٿي پئجي, 
پرين پرچائي نہ سگهجي تان پوء پاڻ سان صفا رسي پئجي, 
نهن کان چوٽئ تائين پسي پئجي,جي هو بره جي بارش ٿين.

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes