IMG 20190206 WA0122

Translation of my poetry
[ On every day early in the morning first of all I bow before your beauty, vision and wisdom so as to start and make my day, Day of Human-Love & Respect.  I serve others, but surrender before you. It is my faith. I care about you and your needs & demands and am ever ready for offering  more sacrifice, even of life. What you are, I am apprising others of your status, role and capabilities.]
پهريون پيار تو پرينء سان پوء دنيا جو وهنوار,
عزت ادب احترام باقي ماڻھن جو پر تو
سان پيار,
سر گهرين سو ڀيرا ڏبو ناهي تن من روح
کان انڪار,
جانب عشق عظمت انسان جي اهو بره
بنا بيڪار,
اسان مڃيوسين ازل کان توکي سهڻن
جو سردار,
تنهجئ سرت سندرتا جو اظھار, ڪيان
سلام سان.
Aslam-u-Alekum. Sada Salamat. Sada Abad. Take care.
With love, respect & regards.
Dr. Pathan

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes