IMG 20190120 WA0038
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ People with Golden Heart will response and reciprocate love and respect timely and accordingly. But, most of people will react adversely with aim to give tough time. Make them your dream, keep them in your heart and eyes, but you will not be allowed to knock the door of their hearts. 
My Dear!  You are very different for all people. Though, you are difficult, but not indifferent. Therefore, my love is protected by your beauty and I am beautified by your kindness, vision and wisdom, properly.]
ڪي سارڻ تي سارن ڪي تان ويتر وسارن, 
ڪي تہ ماري موت کي مئن منن کي جيارن, 
ڪي وهارن دل ۾ ڪي در تان تڙي ڌڪارن, 
ڪي نفرت رکن نينهن سان ممڻ گهڻو ٻارن, 
پر ڪٿ تو جيان نهارن؟ سونهن سلام سان.

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes