Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Evening.
[ Let no any fear my dear block your way. No any doubt or proud put you away from your status and destination. Open eyes and see your own beauty. Let the love enters in your heart.
Dear! Assure yourself and make the world believe that you are Beauty and Love, and there will be no peace & progress without your presence & participation. Play your role and beautify hearts, minds and society, please]
در نہ بند پنھنجئ دل جا دلبر،
کول اکیون دل جا دروازا کول،
پنھنجو منھنجو روح نہ رول،
سچ جون ڳالھیون ٻھڳڻ ٻول،
شاھاٹو ھئ شان نہ ڇاڇول،
پاڻ تہ ٽاٽول، سندر شام تون.
Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Evening.
[ Let no any fear my dear block your way. No any doubt or proud put you away from your status and destination. Open eyes and see your own beauty. Let the love enters in your heart.
Dear! Assure yourself and make the world believe that you are Beauty and Love, and there will be no peace & progress without your presence & participation. Play your role and beautify hearts, minds and society, please]
در نہ بند پنھنجئ دل جا دلبر،
کول اکیون دل جا دروازا کول،
پنھنجو منھنجو روح نہ رول،
سچ جون ڳالھیون ٻھڳڻ ٻول،
شاھاٹو ھئ شان نہ ڇاڇول،
پاڻ تہ ٽاٽول، سندر شام تون.
Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Evening.
[Love & Beauty is a universal truth, right & duty of human - beings, requirement of peaceful society and common teaching of all religions & ideologies.
It is to be abide by and it is to be followed accordingly. It is only way to bring all people at par with each other irrespective of their colour & caste, gender & age, ideology & status. It is only source of peace & progress, unity & strength.
Dear! Respect beauty and accept love. Dare to share it and promote it. Because, it is vision & wisdom of life, and it is way to get rid of sorrows, longings and problems ]
برہ برداشت نہ ڪري غفلت بي پرواھي،
عشق عجب جي آھي حڪمت سا ٺاھي،
رند رستا ۽ پیچرا تن ۾ کڏون نہ کاھي،
کنڀیو آٹي بیھاري ات جت چاھي ماھي،
مٿان بیھاري سرت ۽ سونھن جا سپاھي,
کٹائي ساز سلامن جا ڏئي ھو ڏات ڏاھي،
اجرو اڇو ڪري ڪڍي اندر مان اونداھي،
فقیري ۽ بادشاھي, آھن برابر ھن اڳیان.